New York City's Premier Concert Opera Company

Sanctuary Theater
The Center at West Park
165 West 86th Street
(Entrance on Amsterdam Avenue)
New York, NY 10024

This project is made possible in part with funds from Creative Engagement, a regrant program supported by The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) in partnership with the City Council, and The New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and administered by LMCC.
"Viens, gentille dame"
Arnold Livingston Geis, Tenor
"Enfin, je vous revois"
Katy Lindhart, Soprano
Act 2 Finale -
"Ciel! Quel bonheur!"
Act 2 Finale
La Dame Blanche Overture
Keith Chambers, Conductor
"Arrigo! Ah parli a un core"
Indira Mahajan, Soprano
"Giorno di pianto"
Jeremy Brauner, Tenor
Act 3 Finale
"O tu, Palermo"
Bryan G. Davis, Bass-Baritone
Act 1 Arrigo-Monforte Duet
Jeremy Brauner & Daniel Scofield
Keith Chambers, Conductor
Keith Chambers, the company’s director, is also its conductor...the intensity of the overture proved contagious and the ensembles held together nicely. His choices of snips to make to keep the running time below four hours escaped the vigilance of all but the pedantic; the result flowed most impressively. His taste in scores to revive and singers to perform them is exceptional. With the loss of OONY, he fills a niche. I hope word spreads of his success and that other such occasions result. -- John Yohalem,